Your blog traffic is the amount of people who visit your site, and in order to maximize your income, your job is to get people to your blog.
When I’m trying to maximize my blog traffic, one of my main focuses is to be a "search engine friendly" website. Search engines like Google define the rank of websites by the density, frequency, and proximity of keywords.
- Keyword Density is the ratio of keywords to the other index-able words. I try to aim for a percentage of 3% - 7% ratio of targeted keywords in my content.
- Keyword Frequency is how often a keyword is listed. You want it to be often, but not so much where the search engines label you as “spam”.
- Keyword Proximity is how close keywords are to one another. You want to group targeted keywords together at a reasonable density, without sounding “cluttered” so that keyphrase’s searched, can be found within your content. You want to avoid using “stop” words between these keywords (very common words) like of, it, a, and the.
- Meta Tags in my HTML documents to let the search engines know what my website consists of.
- Alternative Text tags in my HTML documents such as images and media.
- Between Title and Heading tags such as h1, h2, h3, etc.
- Text Links
- Document Names such as images and media.
To promote my blog, I create accounts with Social Media Networks such as,,,, and to name a few. I can use these accounts as a way to reach a larger audience, as well as leaving comments on related blogs. But most of my promoting efforts go into writing articles on websites like and